"Empowering you to achieve better health"
Sarah’s next courses are on:
There are 3 Ortho-Bionomy Self Care Classes offered for all our patients $50 each for 3 hours on January 18th, February 22, and March 22nd. Contact Sarah Robson if you are interested.
(see below for course descriptions)
Holding the course at the clinic is great as the class numbers are small (capped at 6/7), so lots of instructor attention!
For more information and to register for the course contact Sarah Robson
Goals of this course:
This course is to give you tips and tools for use in a broad based massage practice. If you struggle with giving an effective neck treatment or want to review the anatomy of the neck this is a great course for you. These techniques can be applied to many injuries. I want to show you a way to blend different techniques together to give a complete neck treatment including fascial, muscular, osteopathic, joint mobilizations, & therapeutic exercise.
Goals of this course
This course is to give you tips and tools for use in a broad based massage practice. If you struggle with giving an effective shoulder treatment, want to review the anatomy of the shoulder region, or want to get a few new tools for an area you treat a lot – this is a great course for you. These techniques can be applied to many injuries. I want to show you a way to blend different techniques together to give a complete shoulder treatment including fascial, muscular, osteopathic, joint mobilizations, & therapeutic exercise.
Goals of this course
This course is to give you tips and tools for use in a broad based massage practice.
This course is to give you tips and tools for use in a broad based massage practice. If you struggle with giving an effective Hip & Pelvis treatment(s) or want to review the anatomy of the Pelvis region, or want to get a few new tools for an area you treat a lot – this is a great course for you. These techniques can be applied to many injuries. I want to show you a way to blend different techniques together to give a pelvis/hip treatment including fascial, muscular, osteopathic, joint mobilizations, & therapeutic exercise.
This course is designed for the Ortho-Bionomy ® program. But is a great resource for anyone training to work with the body. It has a supported web self study component to guide you through the learning of the basic concepts and information. With 1- 2 weekend workshops to highlight the key concepts, have time with bones and models, learn palpation skills, and answer any questions the students still may have.
“This is a comprehensive course in the convenience of your own home that works with your schedule”
Course 1 will focus on the structure and movement of our body. Focusing on the bones, joints, muscles, and basic information on the nervous and circulatory systems.
Because of the online component you can start any time and we will host the weekend when there are enough participants.