We hare happy to announce that Carly West is back from her maternity leave. She will be returning to work slowly. Welcome Back Carly!
Carrie Dawn’s home office is now finished and she has left the office to work from home. We thank her for her time at Tri Lake Massage & Wellness and wish her the best.
We are happy to announce that Anna is back from her medical leave medical leave. She will be working from her home office now but you can book in with her through the website still.
Our Mask Policy has changed with the new health care setting guideline change. We are leaving masking up to the patient’s preference. Please feel free to continue to wear a mask if you are more comfortable that way. We ask that if you are feeling under the weather but still well enough to come for your massage that you wear a mask to protect your RMT in case you are infectious.
Our Educational/self care workshops focused on our clients education has been a success. We have another 2 coming up on February 23rd, and March 22nd. The morning teaches you ways to do self-care with Ortho-Bionomy. For more information or to register contact Sarah Robson.
Physical Distancing and hand washing are also still recommend, so we will be keeping out hand sanitizer and sign up for hand washing when entering the clinic.
Our clinic protocols continue to be the same. We will be phasing out the questionnaire; however, we still want you to do your self check prior to coming to the clinic and if you are contagious with ANY sickness please contact your RMT to reschedule. Remember to follow the other protocols of washing hands upon arrival, arriving just before your treatment time. We will continue to waive our cancellation fees if you cancel due to sickness.
Check out our facebook page! We will be posting clinic news, links to exercises and other homecare, open massage appointments, upcoming workshops & courses… really anything we think you might want to know.